Merit Points (MP)
What is MP?
Merit Points (MP) help show how a beast has progressed in our game! MP is earned anytime your beast is depicted in artwork, be it in illustration, literature, or any other medium. The amount of MP earned will also change depending on the complexity, and by meeting extra criteria, there are many bonuses you can stack on a single piece.
You will need to track MP points for your beasts, by creating and maintaining beast trackers. These will be required when you send your beast in for MP and rank confirmations!
When enough MP has been earned, your beast can progress in rank, which you read more about here.
How is MP Calculated?
2D Artwork
Coverage determines the base MP on a piece.
Headshot (50% visible)
The canvas must be at least 300x300 in size, and the Verian inside around 150x150. It may be halved if done otherwise.-
Base: 1 MP
Most markings should be somehow visible, preferably ones that are recognizable on the Verian being drawn. - Colored: +2 MP
Shaded: +2 MP
Shading should be visible enough that nobody has to second-guess. For example, there should be more than just a bit of shading under the chin and tail. -
Background: +3 MP
Backgrounds must be more than just a gradient, and should have at least 3 elements (ex: grass, rocks, clouds)
Base: 1 MP
The canvas must be at least 300x300 in size, and the Verian inside around 150x150. It may be halved if done otherwise.-
Base: 2 MP
Most markings should be somehow visible, preferably ones that are recognizable on the Verian being drawn. - Colored: +3 MP
Shaded: +3 MP
Shading should be visible enough that nobody has to second-guess. For example, there should be more than just a bit of shading under the chin and tail. -
Background: +5 MP
Backgrounds must be more than just a gradient, and should have at least 3 elements (ex: grass, rocks, clouds)
Base: 2 MP
3D Artwork
Refers to being made with clay or any other moldable physical material, or made in a 3D sculpting program such as Maya.
Sculpted Bust (50% visible)
- Base: 3 MP
- Painted/Colored: +2 MP
Background: +3 MP
Backgrounds must be more than just a gradient, and should have at least 3 elements (ex: grass, rocks, clouds)
Sculpted Fullbody
- Base: 5 MP
- Painted/Colored: +3 MP
Background: +5 MP
Backgrounds must be more than just a gradient, and should have at least 3 elements (ex: grass, rocks, clouds)
Please note that these would be in addition to the regular base MP shown above!
3D models may also apply for the 'Sculpted' bonus, but only once per unique model created.
Simple Animation
Blinking, bouncing, etc.
- Base: 2 MP
- Detailed Animation: +5 MP
Medium Animation
One body part moves (head turns, tail swish, etc)
- Base: 5 MP
- Detailed Animation: +10 MP
Complex Animation
More than one body part moves (walk cycles, short scenes, etc)
- Base: 10 MP
- Detailed Animation: +15 MP
For any animation which is more than 1 second in length or has more than 12 unique frames, count each unique frame/drawing as +1 MP
- The animation is smooth
- The animation isn't 'sketchy'
Every 200 words = 3 MP*
If your calculation is a decimal, then you will want to round to the nearest whole (1.0). For example: 10.7 MP would round up to 11 MP. 10.3 MP would round down to 10 MP. - Less than 500 words receives +1 per 150 words
Reused: Half Points
Anything that is reused, such as multi-slot YCHs, are only worth half the points. -
Simplistic Art: Half Points
We will check your general gallery to see if it is "simplistic" art, or if it is your general style. We will not discriminate against any art style, so if you've clearly put some effort into it, it will be counted for full points.
This only applies if you draw/write about your Verian yourself.
- Headshot: +2 MP
- Fullbody: +3 MP
- Less than 500 Words: +2 MP
- Greater than or equal to 500 Words: +3 MP
Collaboration: +1 MP
This applies to all Verians featured in a collab piece. This does stack with the Personal Art bonus. DOES NOT apply to headshots or literature under 500 words. -
Rider/Handler: +2 MP
If at least 50% of a rider/handler is visible, then every Verian in the image will be awarded the extra MP. This bonus cannot stack. Your rider/handler MUST follow Rider/Handler rules, and not be depicted as just a speck on the canvas. -
Other Beast: +2 MP
If you include other beasts that do not belong to you, every beast in the image can receive the MP. This bonus can stack, but only up to 3 beasts. Fullbody only. -
Other ARPG: +2 MP
If you include other ARPG characters that are not from Beasts of Inallo (such as Draco Stryx, Tokotas, or Kukuris,) every beast in the image will get this bonus. This bonus can stack three times, and is counted for each additional ARPG character (these can all be from the same ARPG group, or separate). Fullbody only. -
Mate Bond: +2 MP
If you include an Verian that is Mate Bonded to the Verian depicted, you can get this bonus. Must be fullbody and coloured or feature throughout the whole literature piece to count. -
Friendship Bond: +1 MP
If you include a creature, companion, or Verian that is Friendship Bonded to the Verian depicted, you can get this bonus. Must be fullbody and coloured or feature throughout the whole literature piece to count. -
Bonded Familiar: +1 MP
All Familiars bonded to an Verian give them +1 MP if depicted alongside them. Does not count for headshots. -
Salutations: +2 MP *
* Verians with their Salutations approved before July 25th, 2020 may also get a +10 MP bonus for completing their Salutations. - Training: +2 MP
- Disability Training: +2 MP
- Fullbody | Colored | Background: +2 MP
- Fullbody | Colored | Shaded | Background: +3 MP
- Less than 1500 Words: +2 MP
- Greater than or equal to 1500 Words: +3 MP
Alchemy: +1 MP
Must be fullbody with a background in order to receive bonus. -
Quests: +2 MP
Must be fullbody with a background in order to receive bonus. -
Events: +3 MP
The Event bonus applies to any entries done for Official Group Events.